Philips Cardiac Workstation is a breed apart from any cardiograph you may have seen, used or imagined. It is a clinical breakthrough designed to improve the way you capture, access, view, analyze, store, share and manage ECGs - to transform diagnostic cardiography. This ergonomic leap forward streamlines workflow and delivers rich clinical information from systems across your enterprise and beyond to the point of decision. So you can diagnose and treat cardiac patients with confidence.
Simultaneous Lead Acquisition |
Timed ECG |
Report Storage/Transfer |
Pace Pulse Detection |
Interpretive statements |
Borderline Statement Suppression |
Reasons |
Leads Used In Diagnosis |
Critical Values |
Graphical ST presentation |
Height-adjustment |
Desktop |
Fleet coverage |
Storage |
Simultaneous Lead Acquisition |
Timed ECG |
Interpretive statements |
Borderline Statement Suppression |
Simultaneous Lead Acquisition |
Timed ECG |
Report Storage/Transfer |
Pace Pulse Detection |
Interpretive statements |
Borderline Statement Suppression |
Reasons |
Leads Used In Diagnosis |
Critical Values |
Graphical ST presentation |
Height-adjustment |
Desktop |
Fleet coverage |
Storage |
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ContinueOve internet stranice namijenjene su isključivo osoblju koje se koristi medicinskim proizvodima u obavljanju svoje djelatnosti, uključujući zdravstvene radnike, osoblje koje postupa u ime zdravstvenih institucija i/ili osoblje koje se profesionalno bavi trgovinom medicinskim proizvodima.
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