
Advancing the quality of cancer care

Smart technologies, integrated diagnosis and artificial intelligence can remove complexity and waste in oncology therapies. With the right information available at the right time, physicians are empowered in their decision-making and patients will benefit as a result.

Advancing the quality of cancer care​

At a glance

  • Advancements that support accuracy in diagnosis and treatment add value for the patient, affecting both outcomes and cost
  • Decision-support systems can bring hard-to-access information directly to physicians to empower, educate and standardize​
  • Technology is key to cancer diagnosis and treatment, enabling clinical advancements, improving workflow speed and reducing uncertainty

Hear what your peers are saying about advancing the quality of cancer care

These experts discuss the various ways in which technology, data and insights play a key role in advancing the quality of cancer care today and in the future.

Dr. Kastner discusses the importance of precision diagnosis in cancer care

Reducing the number of biopsies needed
With those MRIs, we can reduce the number of biopsies we are taking. We're saving 40% of biopsies. Not only is that a saving in monetary terms, it's also a saving of patient side effects." *

Christof Kastner, PhD, FRCS (Urol), FEBU

Consultant Urologist & Prostate Cancer Lead, Cambridge University Hospitals

Dr. Jackman examines how technology can support the best care decisions

Optimize your imaging network
Wouldn't it be a shame if a patient didn't know that a clinical trial was available? How do we make sure that their doctor knows about this particular trial? Wouldn't it be a shame if a physician wasn't aware of these particular steps that one had to take when starting on a specific complex medication regiment?"

David Jackman, M.D.

Medical Director of Clinical Pathways, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dr. Rosen speaks on providing safer and more effective therapies with technological advances

More effective therapies with technological advances
The precision of our equipment has allowed us to do things that are not necessarily available to most departments."

Lane Rosen, M.D.

Director of Radiation Oncology, Willis-Knighton Cancer Center

Dr. Postmus discusses how can big data lead to personalized medicine

How can big data lead to personalized medicine
On the one hand we have what we want to describe as personalized medicine. So the treatment is tailored to what is found in the patient. And on the other hand, we want to more or less generalize how to use therapy in a group of patients."

Professor Pieter Postmus, M.D., PhD

Head of Department and Professor of Pulmonology, Leiden University Medical Centre

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At a glance

  • Advancements that support accuracy in diagnosis and treatment add value for the patient, affecting both outcomes and cost
  • Decision-support systems can bring hard-to-access information directly to physicians to empower, educate and standardize​
  • Technology is key to cancer diagnosis and treatment, enabling clinical advancements, improving workflow speed and reducing uncertainty


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*Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

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