Successful therapy starts with the right device

Successful therapy starts with the right device

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Philips, following consultation with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), announced it is conducting an Urgent Product Defect Correction for specific devices in the sleep and respiratory care portfolio. For more information please 

click here or call 1800 009 579.

Sleep Therapy Devices

Our sleep therapy systems are specifically designed with patients in mind. By combining exceptional therapy, enhanced comfort and essential adherence tools, we help to make sure that your patients are set up for success for day 1. With advanced options and DreamMapper integration, you can give your patients visibility into their therapy and give yourself a clear road to adherence.




  1. 2015 User Preference Questionnaire, data on file.
  2. Mask does not directly contact the bridge of the nose or nostrils.
  3. In a retrospective review conducted by Philips Respironics of approximately 15,000 System One patients, patients who used SleepMapper, which has been rebranded DreamMapper, demonstrated 22% greater adherence to the therapy than patients who did not use SleepMapper. To see which therapy devices are compatible with DreamMapper, visit .


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