The reusable Philips adult clip sensor effectively measures pulse oximetry on adults and children weighing more than 40 kg (88 lbs). It is manufactured without latex. This sensor features a 90 cm (35.4 in) cable length and connects to 8-pin devices via M1943A or M1943AL adapter cables and can be used with validated 9-pin devices.
Disposable or reusable |
Patient Application |
Replaces Product |
Recommended patient weight |
Cable Length |
Use with non Philips products |
Use with Philips Equipment |
Use with Philips Supplies |
Sterile or Non-Sterile |
Package Weight |
Minimum Shelf Life |
CE Certified |
Product category |
Product type |
Application site |
Packaging unit |
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use |
Disposable or reusable |
Patient Application |
Disposable or reusable |
Patient Application |
Replaces Product |
Recommended patient weight |
Cable Length |
Use with non Philips products |
Use with Philips Equipment |
Use with Philips Supplies |
Sterile or Non-Sterile |
Package Weight |
Minimum Shelf Life |
CE Certified |
Product category |
Product type |
Application site |
Packaging unit |
Single-Patient Use OR Multi-Patient Use |
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