Rip Martin

Rich Wilmot

Managing Partner,
Venture Investments

Current role

Rich brings over 15 years of experience in financial services, consulting and operational experience in the healthcare industry to his role on the investment side of Philips Ventures. At Philips, he’s played an integral role in the launch and funding of several innovative start-up companies.


Before he joined Philips, Rich worked at the Partners Innovation Fund at Partners HealthCare, where he helped support the development of companies such as lifeIMAGE, VisionScope, Daktari Diagnostics, Sebacia, Healthrageous and QPID. Prior to that, he was a member of Bank of America's healthcare corporate and investment banking practice, where he covered a broad range of clients in the life sciences, medical technology and services sectors.   

In digital health, no one company can succeed on their own, which is what makes healthcare a unique opportunity for external innovation. My work supporting and influencing forward-thinking innovators in healthcare is what gets me out of bed in the morning.”

Areas of focus


  • Consumer empowerment
  • Virtual care delivery
  • Access to care
  • At-risk service models

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