What’s new in diagnostic imaging at RSNA 2023?

Customer webinar

What’s new in diagnostic imaging at RSNA 2023?

See beyond to a new perspective on patient care
As a leader in health technology and true end-to-end partner, Philips empowers you to see beyond clinical complexities and workflow obstacles, to improve outcomes, consistency, productivity, and the experience of the people behind the image. 
Join this webinar to learn more about what’s new in Diagnostic Imaging at Philips and how our solutions are designed to improve performance, optimize workflows and maximize value across the lifecycle.

7 December 2023

10.00 am– 11.00 am CET


04.00 pm – 05.00 pm CET




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Magnetic Resonance

Portrait of Sally Lin

Gwenael Herigault

Global MR Clinical Leader

Portrait of Sally Lin

Sally Lin

Head of Product Management, MR Systems and Solutions

Portrait of Nadine Reijnders

Nadine Reijnders

Head of Global MR Clinical Marketing

Diagnostic X-Ray

Portrait of Iris Timmers

Iris Timmers

Senior Product Manager DXR

Portrait of Taras Teunissen

Taras Teunissen

Senior Global Business Sales Support DXR

Portrait of Rebecca John

Rebecca John

Global Product Manager DXR

Computed Tomography

Portrait of Robert Fleck

Robert Fleck

Director of Product Management CT

Portrait of Secil Lafci

Secil Lafci

Senior Product Manager CT

Portrait of Emad Khoury

Emad Khoury

Director of Product Management CT

To explore our integrated solutions and to receive updates and news on exciting developments as we get closer to RSNA 2023, please visit RSNA 2023 - Radiology | Philips Healthcare

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